Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Handicaps Used

Smile, grumpy!

Genius [or Success] knows no handicap through physical ills. Lord Byron had a club foot. Robert Louis Stevenson and John Keats had tuberculosis. Charles Steinmetz and Alexander Pope were hunchbacks. Admiral Nelson had only one eye. Edgar Allan Poe was a mental case. Charles Darwin was an invalid. Julius Caesar was an epileptic. Thomas Edison and Ludwig Beethoven were deaf. Peter Stuyvesant had a wooden leg. Handicaps build strength and will power - and accomplish things.

The next time you can, observe some ants at work. Place some obstacles in their path. They'll go around them, over them, under them - but never go back.

- after William Barclay

If you feel like being a total loser today, remember the people mentioned above. I'm sure they had bouts with doubts, anxiety and depression during their lives too. Those things, however, did not put them down for long and kept going. Christians often use 2 Corinthian 12:9, which is a good thing to remember. The verse states;

 " . . . My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak." I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me"  - Good News Bible

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